Climbing has always been seen as a cool and extreme sport, something that seems out of reach for the average person. But is that really true? Many of us shy away from trying it because of certain misconceptions.

Let's break down 5 common myths about climbing, and you'll soon realize that it's a sport anyone can try, and it's a lot more fun than you might think.

Myth #1: Climbing is Too Hard for Beginners!

A lot of people think climbing is something only advanced athletes can do, but that's not true at all. Climbing is a natural human instinct. Think about it – as babies, we all start by climbing over furniture or reaching for things on higher shelves. The key to starting climbing as a beginner is picking the right location and having a supportive coach to guide you.

Good coaches are especially important because they help new climbers build the right mindset and teach safety practices. What's even more surprising is that kids often climb better than adults. Why? Because kids don't overthink things and are less afraid of making mistakes. They just climb! This is one of the reasons why kids' bouldering is so popular abroad. So, if you're thinking it's too hard, just jump in and leave the worries behind. You might surprise yourself with how quickly you get the hang of it.

Myth #2: Climbing is Too Dangerous!

Another big myth is that climbing is dangerous. While there are risks with any sport, the risks in climbing can be managed with the right techniques and safety measures. Let's look at the potential dangers:

1. Falling from a height.

2. Collisions with the rock wall.

3. Injuries from improper form or overexertion.

For most beginners, the third risk is minimal since you're not pushing yourself to extreme limits just yet. The real concern for new climbers is falling. But guess what? There are different types of climbing, and each type has its own safety system. For instance, indoor climbing walls often use ropes that keep you secure if you fall, and bouldering involves softer mats to cushion any falls. As long as you follow the coach's instructions and maintain the right posture, climbing is actually a much safer sport than many people realize.

Myth #3: You Need Strong Arms to Climb!

A common excuse people use to avoid climbing is, “I don't have the arm strength to do it!” But here's the truth: climbing is a full-body workout, and it's not all about your arms. In fact, one of the biggest mistakes beginners make is relying too much on their arms and not using their legs enough. Properly using your legs and finding the right foot holds is crucial to balancing your body's weight.

Of course, strong arms help, but it's not the only thing that matters. Many experienced climbers have strong legs and core muscles that support their climb. So, if you feel like you're not strong enough, that's all the more reason to try climbing – it'll help you build strength over time!

Myth #4: I'm Afraid of Heights, So I Can't Try Climbing!

Here's a surprising fact: many expert climbers are actually afraid of heights. But that doesn't stop them from enjoying the sport. If you're scared of heights, you can start with low-level climbs, such as bouldering. This type of climbing doesn't involve reaching high altitudes and focuses more on technique and body movement.

Climbing is all about gradual exposure to heights. As you keep practicing and improving, you'll find that your fear of heights decreases. And just like any skill, it becomes easier the more you do it. It's okay to start small and work your way up at your own pace.

Myth #5: You Have to Master Indoor Climbing Before Trying Outdoor Rock Climbing!

Many people think you need to be experienced at indoor climbing before you can try outdoor rock climbing. But this is not true! Just like swimming in a pool doesn't mean you're ready for the ocean, indoor climbing doesn't always prepare you for outdoor climbing. Each type of climbing has different challenges, and you can enjoy both regardless of your experience level.

Outdoor climbing gives you a completely different experience – the thrill of nature, unpredictable terrain, and a sense of adventure. So don't be afraid to give it a try, even if you're just starting out. Every climb, indoor or outdoor, will help you improve.

To all the Lykkers out there, if you've ever considered trying climbing but felt unsure because of these myths, now is the perfect time to start! Don't let misconceptions hold you back. Climbing is accessible, fun, and a fantastic way to challenge yourself physically and mentally. So, grab a pair of climbing shoes, head to your nearest climbing gym, and give it a try. You never know, you might just fall in love with the sport!


Video: Lattice Training